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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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Boyu Elegance Aquarium. Model : EA-80. Length-83.4 cm ; Height-52.5 cm & Width-47 cm. Built in Overhead Filter with Activated Carbon for Effective Filtration. 02 Tube Lights of 20 Watts Each & White in Colour. An Ocean Free Sponge Filter as a Complimentary to the Upper Filter. Resun Aerator Pump.
I had a worst experience keeping the fancy variety goldfish - The oranda goldfish. I have lost a great no of fish over the past several years. The only reason which I could figure out is that " You Need to Compulsory Cycle Your Tank First If You Intend to Keep the Very Attractive Fish like the Fancy Goldfish & Discus.
Fish Kept:
Red Oranda Goldfish
Tank Size:
30 gallons