Photo #1 - This Is My 90 Gallon Fish Tank That Is Prodominen...

This is my 90 gallon fish tank that is prodominently african cichlids. Some of the fish include peacocks, tropheous, kibenesis, clown loach, red tail shark, catfish, lemon jack and many other africans. I run a fluval fx5 filter that i would highly reccomend. Thanks for looking at my fish tank and thanks for the votes.
Submitted By: Tony Anderson on
Photo Caption: This is my 90 gallon fish tank that is prodominently african cichlids. Some of the fish include peacocks, tropheous, kibenesis, clown loach, red tail shark, catfish, lemon jack and many other africans. I run a fluval fx5 filter that i would highly reccomend. Thanks for looking at my fish tank and thanks for the votes.

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90 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This is my 90 gallon fish tank that is prodominently african cichlids. Some of the fish include peacocks, tropheous, kibenesis, clown loach, red tail shark, catfish, lemon jack and many other africans. I run a fluval fx5 filter that i would highly reccomend. Thanks for looking at my fish tank and thanks for the votes.
freshwater fish - otopharynx lithobates - sulphur crested lithobate stocking in 90 gallons tank - This isnt a very good picture and doesnt do this fish justice but he is a very correct lemon jack that is starting to look really nice
freshwater fish - aulonocara baenschi - sunshine peacock stocking in 90 gallons tank - This is one of my peacocks that is really starting to color up nice, he may be a show prospect

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Ranked #716 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08

More Info

State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Description: My tank is a standard 90 gallon setup. I run a fluval fx5 filtration unit. I have standard lights and I run a aquaeon heater. The tank has about 50 pounds of rocks and 100 pounds of African sand. Other than that it is just a great running tank and I thank fluval partially for that with the fx5. That filter is a beast on my 90.
Advice: Don't cheap out when purchasing equipment. Save up your money for the better stuff it will make your life easy
Fish Kept: As of right now I have 25 fish in there and they range from a lemon Jake to a red tailed shark. I am compiling a better list with all there actual names and will post soon.
Corals/Plants: Just plastic plants
Tank Size: 90 gallons


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