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This picture looks better than 3.48% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.15
This picture has been rated : 40 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United Kingdom
Glass cabinet tank with coffin lid and tappered sides for extra viewing angles. 2 300w Thermo's, 2 neWjet 1700 pomps, 1 Nj 600, NOC skimmer, £400 worth of live rock, live sand base, blue and white ray lights.
Just read the text book a few times, speak to your local dealer and the rest you will pick up as you go.
... get a credit card
Fish Kept:
2 Clowns, 1 yellow dotted Gobi, 2 yellow striped demels, 1 red hairy crab, 1 sally lightfoot crab, 1 shrimp, 1 super turbo snail, turbo snails, hermit crabs,
2 coloured Anemone( a must if you have clown fish) blue dotted mushroom coral.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
if today was perfect there would be no need for tomorrow
About Yourself:
25 years old, pisces!, Estate agent. I started it because it is better than watchin tele.