Photo #4 - This Is My New Tank,juwel 450 Vision Bowfront.ehe...

Submitted By: nellie on
Photo Caption: this is my new tank,juwel 450 vision bowfront.eheim canister filter as well as the juwel power head filter.crushed coral sand,30kg of lava rock and a home made background made from guttering and lava rock. no fish in this photo,they are in the tank now but im struggling to get a good photo.

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120 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - my new african cichlid tank. juwel vision 450 bowfront. eheim canister filter as well as a juwel power head filter.crushed coral sand,30kg of lava rock,a home made background made from guttering and lava rock,it has holes cut out of it which create caves and tunnels,the fish love it. let me know what you sorry about the dodgy picture,i really need to invest in a good digital camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!
120 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - this is my new tank,juwel 450 vision bowfront.eheim canister filter as well as the juwel power head filter.crushed coral sand,30kg of lava rock and a home made background made from guttering and lava rock. no fish in this photo,they are in the tank now but im struggling to get a good photo.
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Ranked #1123 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: juwel 450 vision,2 eheim canister filters & the juwel power head filter.crushed coral sand,30kgs+ of lava rock with a home made background made from lava rock and guttering. rio 4ft 55 gallon tank,eheim external filter,rena is an arcadia luminaire t5 tropical.background in the tank is juwel 3d rock x3,expensive but worth every penny.although on this site i have seen some fantastic diy backgrounds.
Advice: take your time,do your homework,learn from your mistakes.everybody makes them!
Fish Kept: malawi cichlids:electric yellow labs(4), griaffe hap(3), c moorii dolphin(5), various peacocks(7),1 malawi eyebiter,1 electric blue hap. tang cichilds:frontosa(5) 1 shovelnose cat, 4 cuckoo cats, 1 royal pleco, 1 featherfin cat
Corals/Plants: 55gl 4 microsorium pteropus(java fern). lots of natural rock and ocean rock. 450l no plants yet,just 30 kgs of lava rock.
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Quote: ??????????
About Yourself: n/a


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