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This picture looks better than 30.46% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.79
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
United States
in wall 90 gallon all glass 48"x18"x24"
2 coralife t5 double strip lights 1 blue antick 1 10000 k 1 6700 k and 1 colormax bulbs
fluval fx5 filter and a zoomeds aqua sweep for extra water movement
80lb of carribsea eco-complete african cichlid substate and 20 lb of carribsea agronite
over 200 lb of river rock and slate with lots of algae for the fish to gaze on
this web site and cichlid-forum are great web sites to get info and ideas
Fish Kept:
7 - Cynotilapia Afra "Cobue"
2 - Labidochromis caeruleus "yellow Lab"
1 - Pseudotropheus "Acei" (Msuli)
7 - Pseudotropheus sp. "Blue Dolphin" (Ndonga)
4 - Pseudotropheus Flavus + 60 fry
1 - Bristlenose Pleco
2 - Thorichthys Meeki "Fire Mouth"
Tank Size:
90 gallons