Photo #12 - A Dominant Male Black-barred Zebra (metriaclima ...

freshwater fish - metriaclima sp. - zebra chilumba stocking in 180 gallons tank - A dominant male Black-barred zebra (metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba'...also known as the BB zebra; an african cichlid originating from Lake Malawi. This aggressive mbuna grows up to 8 inches.
A dominant male Black-barred zebra (metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba'...also known as the BB zebra; an african cichlid originating from Lake Malawi. This aggressive mbuna grows up to 8 inches.
Submitted By: kaybee on
Photo Caption: A dominant male Black-barred zebra (metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba'...also known as the BB zebra; an african cichlid originating from Lake Malawi. This aggressive mbuna grows up to 8 inches.

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freshwater fish - metriaclima sp. - zebra chilumba stocking in 180 gallons tank - A dominant male Black-barred zebra (metriaclima sp. zebra 'chilumba'...also known as the BB zebra; an african cichlid originating from Lake Malawi. This aggressive mbuna grows up to 8 inches.

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Ranked #2493 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 66.73% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.78
This picture has been rated : 46 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.31

More Info

State: Florida
Country: United States
Description: Several african cichlid tanks and several saltwater tanks.
Advice: Patience. Monitor your tank daily.
Fish Kept: Fresh: various african cichlids (mbuna, haps, & frontosa) Brackish: green spotted puffers Marine: various damsels, maroon clownfish, bicolor angelfish, royal gramma. scooter dragonet
Corals/Plants: Various LPS and soft corals.
Tank Size: 180 gallons


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