Rank Info
This picture looks better than 39.5% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.03
This picture has been rated : 29 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
50 gallon acrilic with AquaClear 300 filter and 10 gallon with unknown filter. Unknown lights.
Don't buy ANYTHING without researching every possible thing about it.
Fish Kept:
In the little tank: Kurt Cobain (Common Goldfish), Chris Brief (Common Goldfish), David Price (Common Goldfish), Kyle Hove (Common Goldfish), Conor Sisk (Common Goldfish), and Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Gold Algae Eater)
In the big tank: Nathan Explosion (Common Pleco), William Murderface (Tiger Oscar), Toki Wartooth (Albino Sailfin Pleco), and Roberta (Common Goldfish)
A couple of fake plants
Tank Size:
50 gallons
We're navigators. We're aviators. We're eatin' taters. Masturbatin' alligator. Bombadeers, ain't got no fears, won't shed no tears. We're pushing the frontiers of transcendental perception.
About Yourself:
I decided to name all my fish after band member...that might clear up some confusion. The bands I have in my tank are: Dethklok, The Cure, Nirvana, The Briefs, and NATALIE PORTMAN'S SHAVED HEAD!!