Photo #1 - 75 Gallon African Tank - Plastic Plants - Lace An...

75 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 75 Gallon African Tank - Plastic Plants - Lace and River Rock - Who Needs TV When You Have One of These - Talk About a Big Screen!!!
freshwater fish - dimidiochromis kiwinge stocking in 75 gallons tank - Dimidiochromis Kiwinge - Male
75 Gallon African Tank - Plastic Plants - Lace and River Rock - Who Needs TV When You Have One of These - Talk About a Big Screen!!!
Submitted By: James A . Bennett on
Photo Caption: 75 Gallon African Tank - Plastic Plants - Lace and River Rock - Who Needs TV When You Have One of These - Talk About a Big Screen!!!

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75 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 75 Gallon African Tank - Plastic Plants - Lace and River Rock - Who Needs TV When You Have One of These - Talk About a Big Screen!!!
freshwater fish - dimidiochromis kiwinge stocking in 75 gallons tank - Dimidiochromis Kiwinge - Male
freshwater fish - dimidiochromis kiwinge stocking in 75 gallons tank - Dimidiochromis Kiwinge - Female
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freshwater fish - copadichromis borleyi - yellowfin borleyi cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Yellow Fin Borleyi - Male
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Ranked #359 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: Virginia
Country: United States
Description: 75 Gallon Perfecto. 48"x18"x28" (1) Marineland 400B Filter, (1) Whisper 30-60 Filter, Magnum 350 Canister, 250 Watt Stealth Heater, 80 Pounds of Lace Rock, 65 Pounds of River Rock, Crushed Coral Bedding. 48" Coralife and/or GE Plant and Aquarium Bulbs. Baby Breeder over the side for Fry.
Advice: Start with the tank you really want - if you have space for 90 Gallon and that's what you want - Go For It. Moving from a 10 to a 30 to a 55 and so on will cost you more than just getting what you want from the beginning. Take your time selecting fish and be patient if you go with cichlids. To me the best part of the hobby is watching them mature and change colors over time. It's amazing how a brown dull young peacock can be so beautiful when it matures. Change your filters regularly, do routine water changes, feed them a good quality food and you will have happy and healthy fish.
Fish Kept: Protomelas Taeniolatus (Red Empress) 1 Male 1 Female, Yellow Fin Borleyi (1 Male 1 Female), Dimidochromis Kiwinge (1 Male 1 Female), Nimbochromis Venustus - (Male) 1, Labidochromis Caeruleus - Yellow Lab or Electric Yellow Cichlid - 3 (male), Lodotropheus Sprengerae - Rusty - 1 (Male), Aulonocara sp. stuartgranti maleri . - Sunshine Peacock - 1 (male), Pseudotropheus socolofi - powder blue cichlid - 1 (male), Maylandia callainos- Cobalt Blue - 1 (Male), Neolamprologus brichardi- Brichardi Lyretail Cichlid - 2 (Male), Pseudotropheus zebra OB morph - OB Zebra - orange/black (2) - white/black (lots of blue coming in) 1 (male), Male Aulonocara species crossed with an OB female mbuna - OB Peacock blue/orange- 2 (male), Gephyrochromis acei - Acei - 1 (male), Tropheus ??? - blue/purple body - burnt orange fins - 1 (male??) Aulonacara ??? - ??? - 2 (male/female???), Maylandia estherae formerly pseudotropheus zebra -red zebra - 1 to young to tell sex, Aulonocara stuartgranti (Rubescens) Ruby Red Peacock - 1 (male) 1 (female) 1 (fry), Dragons Blood Peacock 1 (male)
Corals/Plants: Plastic Plants - Various
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Quote: If at First You Don't Succeed - Don't Look So Astonished!
About Yourself: I am a 40 year old father of 2 great children. Chelsea is 2 and Hunter is 4. My wife is great and is pretty patient with me when I take 5 hours on a Sunday to "work" on the tank. She's not really into the fish but I think she may be coming around - she loves to see the kids excited! My little ones love the fish and are great helpers. By day I am an operations manager for a fortune 100 company managing customer service operator working from home. We provide a full array of services for various clients. It's a stressful job but when I come home and spend a little time with my fish, the stress of the day goes away for awhile - heck I don't even hear my Blackberry which in itself is a true gift.


nice tank and beautiful fish. great job fish avatar
your advice is the right way to go! And i love the rock work in your tank. Awesome look. fish avatar
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