Photo #1 - This Is My Tank Way Back In December Last Year. ...

fish tank picture - This is my tank way back in December last year. At the time it just had two internal filters, 2X airstones, the heater you see at the back and what was left of the plants after the malawis had a go at them. Had just taken out the Malawais, and was still thinking of how to scape it, what filters to put and most of all trying to get ready for my oscars! Will put up more pictures of what it looks like now
This is my tank way back in December last year. At the time it just had two internal filters, 2X airstones, the heater you see at the back and what was left of the plants after the malawis had a go at them. Had just taken out the Malawais, and was still thinking of how to scape it, what filters ...
Submitted By: Andrew on
Photo Caption: This is my tank way back in December last year. At the time it just had two internal filters, 2X airstones, the heater you see at the back and what was left of the plants after the malawis had a go at them. Had just taken out the Malawais, and was still thinking of how to scape it, what filters to put and most of all trying to get ready for my oscars! Will put up more pictures of what it looks like now

More Info

Country: South Africa
Description: Will confirm this, but last I checked I think it was a 70g. Tank has 2 oscars, 1 albino oscar, 1 parrot fish (it's mate died a while back when I lost power for 2 days), and 3 silver dollars, oh and a pleco. Had these guys for just over 7 months now, the tank was previously a malawi tank. This is my show tank, my other 3 tanks are: 1 malawi tank, 1 community tank and an African Jewel tank which will soon be converted to a convict tank
Advice: Take your time! Alot of people rush into this with all the excitement of putting in new fish and stuff... take your time to research everything from your tank size to your subtrate to you filters, deco, plants and so on. Before I got to where I am, I spent alot of money on 'wrong' equipment or simply just didn't like my tank(s) after a while so I kept changing stuff around. Oh, and make sure you have the 'pocket' for it.. it's not a cheap hobby lol.
Fish Kept: Malawis, Oscars, Parrot fish, Silver dollars, plecos, swordtails, tiger barbs, rainbow sharks, gouramis, jewels, danios, tetras, and more... just keep chopping and changing
Corals/Plants: don't know the plant names.. lol.
Tank Size: 70 gallons
Quote: fsdfsdfds
About Yourself: Used to be a newbie to this, now am totally hooked... line and sinker!! Spend more money on my fish tanks than I do on myself.. lol. Really addictive hobby but I love it!


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