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This picture looks better than 71.09% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.58
This picture has been rated : 40 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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New York
United States
54 Gallon Bow Front Corner Aquarium With Coralife 30 Inch Aqualight W/ 2-65W Straight Pin Base And 2-3/4W Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED Lamps, 125 Gallon Protein Skimmer, Ready-Light Extreme UV FIlter and Calcium Reactor.
Read Alot Of Books, Be Patient and think before you act. If you follow these three easy suggestions in the end you'll find yourself staring at a work of art, that YOU made yourself.
Fish Kept:
Echidna Nebulosa (snowflake moray), Gymnothorax Meleagris (whitemouth Moray), Pterolis Russelli (Russell's Lionfish), Pterolis Volitans (Volitans Lionfish), 3 Pseudochromis Diadema (Diadem Dottybacks), Chaetodon Auriga (Threadfin Butterflyfish), Pomacanthus Imperator (JUV) (Emperor Angelfish), Pomacanthus Paru (French Angelfish), Amphiprion Clarkii (Clark's Anemonefish), 5 Dascyllus Aruanus (Humbug Dascyllus),
No Corals, Chaetomorpha Sp., Spaghetti Algae, and Hair Plants for Sump Biological system ( most grew on their own)
Tank Size:
54 gallons