Photo #2 - Oscar Tank.... 10 Tiger Oscar

Submitted By: Bhanu on
Photo Caption: Oscar Tank.... 10 Tiger Oscar

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260 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Arowana Tank with four Tinfoils
260 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Oscar Tank.... 10 Tiger Oscar
fish tank picture - Smart Arowana
fish tank picture - Tiger Oscar

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Ranked #2274 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 56.79% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.09
This picture has been rated : 164 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

Country: India
Description: Two Tanks.... the First...10 Oscars in a 260 Gal / 957 Lit. tank. 6 Feet x 2 Feet x 3 Feet Stones and Gravel Used Overhead Home built Filter using different filteration media The Second is with One Australian Pearl Arowana, along with 4 Tinfoils for company. Well decorated with silk plants and drift wood. The most important feature which I have put emphasis on on is to maintain an "As close to nature surrounding as possible"
Advice: Keep as close to nature as possible
Fish Kept: Oscars and Arowana
Corals/Plants: None..... Only Stones and Gravel for the Oscar Tank and Silk Plants / Drift Wood / Gravel for the Arowana Tank
Tank Size: 260 gallons
Quote: Give Love to Get some
About Yourself: Well, I got into this hobby thru my father approx 20 years back. He had a 6x1.5x1.5 feet tank in which he used to have an assortment of fishes. Over the years I have been inclined to move over to Cichlids and Arowana. Amongst Cichlids Oscar are very popular aquarium fish. These intelligent Cichlids are preferred by many aquarists because of their great individuality and character.


your tank is too crowded, well thats just my opinion, maybe its not. But to me it looks very over populated. fish avatar
If your dimensions are 6x2x3 then your tank is 270gallons...sorry not trying to bust your bubble just trying to let you know the real amount...Keep up the good work though...peace! fish avatar
Your calculations are wrong.6'x2'x3' is not 1200gallons. But......nice tanks. You should get into African cichlids fish avatar
Both your tanks are sweet. The Arowana is awesome. I need to get one. I never cared for Oscars. But a school(pack) of them looks cool. If I had a huge tank like yours I'd probably get a bunch of Oscars. Thanks for the pics. fish avatar
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