Photo #15 - Aulonocaras Jacofreibergi - -cyrtocara Moorii X1...

Submitted By: Giacomo R. on
Photo Caption: Aulonocaras Jacofreibergi

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Rank Info

Ranked #241 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 96.78% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 6.42
This picture has been rated : 38 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: Canada
Description: 90 Gallon, Top Stingray 48W 21H 18D - EHEIM 2217-37 Classic Canister Filter - Aqua Clear 70 hang on filter - 48" Coralife T-5 Dual light strip - 48" Coralife Aqualight deluxe Double linear Strip 50/50 - IQ VisiTherm 250W heater - Hydor Aqalia3 Turbo Pump - 80lb reef sand - 120lb lace rock
Advice: Walk before you run - Don't rush into it, know what you want,have fun,dedication and lots of patience and everything will eventually come together.....Cheers!
Fish Kept: -Cyrtocara moorii x1 -Labidochromis caeruleus x3 -Protomelas finestratus (pair) -Pseudotropheus aceii x3 -Auloncaras jacofreibergi x1 -Sciaenochromis ahli x1 -Sciaenocromis fryeri x2 -Cynotiapia afra "Cobue" x2 -Cynotilapia afra x2 -Distichodus sexfasciatus x1 -Aulonucara sp. Lawanda 1m,3F
Corals/Plants: plastic plants
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Quote: live and let live
About Yourself: Started with a 15gal then progressed to a 30gal now I have an 90gal and am thinking of a 120gal.


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