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This picture looks better than 92.92% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.46
This picture has been rated : 221 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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55 gallon, Hamilton Tech light with 4 10,000k flouros, 4 actinics, 4 moonlights, euro 120 skimmer, rena filstar 2
frequent water changes (we do 10 -15 gallons weekly), razer blade the glass (carefully) once a week. )Don't do this if you have an acrylic tank
Fish Kept:
yellow tang, sailfin tang, lyretail anthias, chromies, coris wrasse (digs under everything, would take him out if I could), sandsifter goby( keeps the sand white), blue & yellow damsel, flame angel, emeralds crabs, hermit crabs, sally lightfoot crabs, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp (hider, never see him)
finger corals all kinds, star polyps (our favourite), green trumpet coral, pipe organ, flower pot corals, yellow leathers, toadstool leathers, pulsing xenia, regular xenias, many mushrooms
Tank Size:
55 gallons
dont panic; if you panic you're f****d