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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
i have two 55's one with c. moorii and frontosa. sand and crushed coral substrate,lava rocks one maxi jet two marineland 55 filters and a biowheel(never enough filtering)clay pots and lava rock for hiding places a few fake plants and aqua ferns. I use carbon and ammo chips to keep the water crystal clear .coral life 48"50/50
The second tank is all the same except for natural colored gravel(different shades of brown) and two coralife 18"50/50 with a six led moonlight kit. and this tank houses my wife blood parrots.
everyone makes mistakes.dont overdo the chemicals. and get advice from anyone that has alittle.
Fish Kept:
C.Morii,frontosa and blood parrots
fake plants and lava rock aqua fern
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"OH **#@#!"
About Yourself:
im a coal miner and took up the hobby as a way to relax when i come homefrom work has now become my obsession.