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This picture looks better than 68.67% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.39
This picture has been rated : 114 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Both tanks kept are new to this location but I've enjoyed keeping tanks around for a while now.
The tank is a 40 gal bow front. Ive got two Aqueon Power 50 filters a standard heater and hood with light All of the plants I have are plastic because I find that Cichlids dig live plants up.
I spray painted the back black with UV safe paint and black glass paint.I really liked the final result.
Read as much as you can. Dont be afraid to ask other local fish stores the same questions you ask a Petco or Petsmart employee. Sometimes youll find answers will vary. Try your hardest to find a LFS you trust, it will make your life much easier
Fish Kept:
An assortment of African Cichlids. I am stocking a smaller 30 Gal tank with cichlids and eventually I hope to move some of the larger fish into the bigger tank.
All plants are artificial
Tank Size:
40 gallons
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