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United States
55 gallon tank lit by a twin tube strip light (each tube is 5500K). As far as filteration, I'm just running a
Whisper 60 & an Aquaclear 30. In the Aquaclear, I kept the sponge & filled up the rest of with the ceramic "bio-max" rings for a little extra bio filtration. Also, I'm using 2 of the Hagen CO2 systems. The substrate is a 50/50 mix of Eco-complete & BB sized black gravel.
If you plan on using rockwork in your tank, save your money & find a local stone supply company. Since you're not gonna be taking that much, they'll usually just give the stuff to you.
Fish Kept:
Various tetras: Redeyes, Glowlights, Neons, Head & Tail Lights, & Serpaes. Livebearers: Swordtails & Guppies. I've also got a good cleaning crew: Otos, an SAE, & Emerald green cories.
Along the back: Amazon Swords, Red & Bronze Wendtii, & Melon Sword.
Mid-Foreground: Anubias Nana, Dwarf Hairgrass & Microsword, & Four Leaf Clover. I've also added some floating plants that I have to thin out once a month. They're a good hide out for the fry my livebearers constantly pop out!
I've used 3 pieces of driftwood. Plus, I made a cave (on the right) out of black slate.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Don't sweat the petty things. Pet the sweaty things.