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I have a 20 gallon rectangular tank with a hang on the back filter, CO2 diffuser and LED light strips. There is an automatic feeder that dumps blood worms mixed with some granular food twice a day. I was trying to create a nature/jungle style of aquarium.
Try, experiment, learn what works and practice regular water changes
Fish Kept:
Neon Tetra, Threadfin Rainbow, Red Eye Tetra, Siamese Algae Eater, Dwarf Otocinclus
anubias, Rotala rotundifolia HRA, Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya', Cryptocoryne Wendtii `Green Gecko`, Staurogyne repens, Hemianthus micranthemoides, java fern, African fern, vallisneria jungle grass, Plant, Nymphaea sp., Dwarf Lily, Alternanthera Reineckii and much more.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself:
I used to have a 30 gallon coral reef tank in Califothis but upon moving to India, coral was no longer an option. I started my first planted tank and love it. It has been just as rewarding for me as keeping coral.