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This picture looks better than 75.04% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.65
This picture has been rated : 312 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
Length : 125 cm, Depth : 50 cm, Hight : 50 cm
FISH: Acanthophthalmus Kuhlii Semicinctus (11) / Ancistrus Dolichopterus(2) / Apistogramma Reitzigi (4) / Colisa Lalia (2) / Corydoras Arcuatus (8) / Corydoras Paleatus (3)/ Petitiella Georgiae (18) / Pterophyllum Scalare (4)
SHRINKS : Caridina Japonica (7)
PLANTS : [1] Ammannia Senegalensis , [2] Anubias Barterii var. Nana , [3] Anubias Barterii var. Barterii , [4] Crytocorine Pontederiifolia , [5] Cryptocorine Wendtii , [6] Echinodorus Bleheri , [7] Hygrophila Polysperma , [8] Hygrophila Siamensis , [9] Limnophila Sessiliflora , [10] Nymphaea Lotus , [11] Rotala Rotundifolia , [12] Vesicularia Dubyana
Don't look in the laser with the remaining eye.