Photo #17 - Some Of My Pride And Joy - Sun Corals Tubastr...

corals inverts - tubastrea micrantha - black sun coral stocking in 35 gallons tank - Some of my pride and joy - Sun Corals Tubastraea micrantha & Tubastraea coccinea
corals inverts - tubastrea faulkneri - yellow sun coral stocking in 35 gallons tank - Some of my pride and joy - Sun Corals. Tubastraea micrantha & Tubastraea coccinea
Some of my pride and joy - Sun Corals Tubastraea micrantha & Tubastraea coccinea
Submitted By: Sarah on
Photo Caption: Some of my pride and joy - Sun Corals Tubastraea micrantha & Tubastraea coccinea

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corals inverts - tubastrea micrantha - black sun coral stocking in 35 gallons tank - Some of my pride and joy - Sun Corals Tubastraea micrantha & Tubastraea coccinea
corals inverts - tubastrea faulkneri - yellow sun coral stocking in 35 gallons tank - Some of my pride and joy - Sun Corals. Tubastraea micrantha & Tubastraea coccinea
fish tank picture - Aqua Medic Chromis - 8 Months In

Rank Info

Ranked #173 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 92.71% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 6.17
This picture has been rated : 29 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: Aqua Medic Chromis standard kit, due to upgrade lighting & skimmer in 2008.
Advice: Research first, buy later. A successful tank is not one thats inhabitants survive.. but rather thrive
Fish Kept: 1x Coral Beauty 1x Royal Grammer 1x Twin Spot Hog Fish 1x Bangaii Cardinal 1x Pink Scooter Blenny
Corals/Plants: Over 30 corals, mainly LPS, concentration on Sun Corals
Tank Size: 35 gallons


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