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United States
New planted 20 Gal tank.- almost 5 weeks old.
Organic Potting soil .5 inch-Home Depot,
Flourite substrate 1 inch-PetSmart,
Silica Sand- .75 inch from Menards,
Lighting- portable heat lamp w/ 6500k daylight bulb from Menards,
Fluva HOB,2 Bubblers, and DIY CO2 w/ wooden air-stone.
Found out about dirt'd tanks by watching Dustin Fish Tanks off YouTube and still doing research.
Patience and more patience.
Ask around and do your research. Knowledge is out there but don't go with the first option.
Fish Kept:
Update as of 21 JUL 2012
3 Albino Corys, w/ frys-born 7/10/12-(2 survivors),
2 Guppies,
3 Red Cherry Shrimps,
8 Rasboras
I let the soil set in tank w/ water about 2.5 inches for 1 week and a half. Drained it then put substrate and sand. Then let it sit another week draining every other day and filling.
Drained to about 1/4 from the bottom and put my dwarf grass on the right and Hygrophilas on the left. Mid Section I put some Dwarf Amazon swords (right)-moved on 20 JUL and Water Wisterians (left). Finally I have some Giant Vallisneria (right) and some Sprites . Just put in some banana plants on 7/11/2012. More Hair Grass and added Rasbora-8 on 16 JUL.
Added tree on 1 AUG 2012
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself:
Been at this fish thing for some time but not planted tanks. I also have an Albino Oscar in a 55 Gallon.