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This picture looks better than 39.71% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this category is: 7.01
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United States
75 gallon with custom made overflow system, it has a twenty gal acrylic sump with refusium, and also a protien skimmer, and phosphate reacter. It has an orbit lighting system, two 150 watt halides and two 130 watt actinics.
Fish Kept:
1 male square anthius,1 blue hippo tan, 1 naso tang, 1 rabbit fish fox face, 1 copper band, 1 damsel, 1 yellow mimic tang,
three types of montiporas, 1 hyndaphora, 1 green slimer, one 7 inch welsaphilia brian,5 type of zoas, 3 rose anemones, two hugexenia colonies,my personal favorite... austrialian acan lords, also austrialian duncan polyp, a rare anenome im not sure what species. i also have a couple frog spawns. 1 lobo brain, 1 open brain.also 7 different ypes of mushrooms.1 green leather, also green and brown star polyps, and 1red chalic. 1 long tentical fungia plate. two crocia clams. and 1 maze brain.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
pita papala wannanndae haha!!!!!!
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