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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.7
This picture has been rated : 10 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
3 ft, Salwater tank. Protein skimmer, 700 l/h Canister filter, Floro light with marine glo & power glo tubes, Power head for flow
Make sure you get good, healthy live rock! If near a beach collect water on high tide!
Fish Kept:
Clown fish x 2, Mandarin x1, Bule/green Chromis x2, Feather star, orange starfish, trochas snail, Nudibranch x2, brittlestars (unsure how many)
Elegance, Torch, Day, Bubble, Stag, Can't remember rest...will add names later
Tank Size:
40 gallons
About Yourself:
Live in Australia beside the sea, so great for collecting water. This tank has only been going since beginning of september 08', Everything has thrived in our tank. So far so good!