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This picture looks better than 29.93% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.76
This picture has been rated : 51 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
South Africa
My tank is a 20 gallon (about 70-75litre tank). It is 60x30x30. I use cascade 100 hang on filter, with a 100watt heater, and one day-glo light, and one bio-glo light. They stay on for normally 12 hours a day. Im using some substrate fertilizer, as well as some sorena liquid fertilizer for my plants. No co2 just yet.
Do water changes regulalry, take things slowly, and RESEARCH!
Fish Kept:
2 male "peacock" dwarf gouramis, 5 cardinal tetras (I am gettin 5 more soon), 2 Panda corys (also getting 4 more soon), one bristlenose pleco (a baby). I would also like to get a female gourami and seperate the two males. I would like to try breeding them
Elodea Densa, Hygrophilia Polysperma, anubius nana and bacopa monnieri and lileaopsis
Tank Size:
20 gallons
am i bothered?