Photo #14 - Acei With Red Zebra In The Background.

freshwater fish - pseudotropheus acei - acei cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Acei with Red Zebra in the background.
freshwater fish - aulonocara nyassae var. - peacock cichlid, orange blossom stocking in 75 gallons tank - My Marble Peacock with my Acei sneaking into the shot.
Acei with Red Zebra in the background.
Submitted By: Shawn Wilkinson on
Photo Caption: Acei with Red Zebra in the background.
75 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My 5ft African Cichlid tank.
freshwater fish - sciaenochromis fryeri - electric blue hap stocking in 75 gallons tank - The biggest poser in my tank is one of my Electric Blues picture here in the front with my Zebra Obliquidens in the background.
freshwater fish - hemichromis bimaculatus - jewel cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Red Forest Jewel.
freshwater fish - nimbochromis venustus - venustus cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - My Venustus. The leader and the biggest my tank.
freshwater fish - cyphotilapia frontosa - frontosa cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - ( Left to right) Back end of Marble Peacock, Zebra Obliquidens, Acei, Electric Yellow, Red Top Zebra, Jacobfrebiergi, Frontosa, Blue Dolphin, Venustus, Demasoni.
freshwater fish - cyrtocara moorii - blue dolphin cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - (Left to right) Venustus, Electric Blue, Blue Dolphin, Dragonblood Peacock.
freshwater fish - maylandia hajomaylandi - hajomaylandi stocking in 75 gallons tank - Hajomaylandi with Electric Yellow behind & Livingstoni in the background.
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus demasoni - demasoni cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Demasoni, my little terror with Eureka Red Peacock.
freshwater fish - aulonocara nyassae var. - peacock cichlid, orange blossom stocking in 75 gallons tank - Dragonblood Peacock, Zebra Obliquidens, Marble Peacock, Cobalt Blue.
freshwater fish - cyphotilapia frontosa - frontosa cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Red Top Zebra, Red Zebra, Blue Dolphin, Jacobfrebiergi, Frontosa, Hajomaylandi, Electric Yellow.
freshwater fish - nimbochromis venustus - venustus cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Getting hungry! (Left to right) My 2nd Electric Blue who has almost fully changed colour, Venustus, Acei, Hajomaylandi, Blue Dolphin & Demasoni.
freshwater fish - maylandia hajomaylandi - hajomaylandi stocking in 75 gallons tank - (Left to right) Electric Blue, Leleupi, Hajomaylandi, Frontosa, Electric Yellow, Stuartgranti, Dragonblood Peacock, Venustus, Electric Blue.
freshwater fish - cyphotilapia frontosa - frontosa cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Frontosa trying to hide.
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus acei - acei cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Acei with Red Zebra in the background.
freshwater fish - aulonocara nyassae var. - peacock cichlid, orange blossom stocking in 75 gallons tank - My Marble Peacock with my Acei sneaking into the shot.
freshwater fish - nimbochromis livingstonii - livingstoni stocking in 75 gallons tank - My Livingstoni hiding in the background.
freshwater fish - maylandia hajomaylandi - hajomaylandi stocking in 75 gallons tank - There's always one fish that moves when you are trying to take a photo isn't there... (Left to right) Frontosa, Blue Dolphin, Electric Blue,Stuartgranti, Compressiceps, Hajomaylandi, Cobalt Blue, 2nd Electric Blue, Red Zebra, Leleupi.
freshwater fish - aulonocara sp. - dragon blood peacock stocking in 75 gallons tank - Dragonblood Peacock & Electric Blue front, Frontosa underneath, Mbamba being chased by my Demasoni rear and Red Zebra.
freshwater fish - maylandia hajomaylandi - hajomaylandi stocking in 75 gallons tank - Frontosa, Hajomaylandi & Red Zebra.
freshwater fish - sciaenochromis ahli - electric blue cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - (Left to right) Clown Loach, Electric Blue, Red Forest Jewel, Hajomaylandi, Red Zebra & Leleupi.
freshwater fish - hemichromis bimaculatus - jewel cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - Red Forest Jewel with my Electric Blue in front.
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus demasoni - demasoni cichlid stocking in 75 gallons tank - (Top to bottom) Electric Yellow, Electric Blue, Demasoni & Leleupi who passed on while I was away on holidays.
freshwater fish - botia macracantha - clown loach stocking in 75 gallons tank - My fat Clown Loach. He's a bit light in colour than his usual cos it's feed time and he gets a bit nervous with all the other fish around.
freshwater fish - maylandia hajomaylandi - hajomaylandi stocking in 75 gallons tank - Fish on parade. ( Left to right ) Hajomaylandi, Dragonblood Peacock, Frontosa, Cobalt Blue, Electric Blue with Red Zebra & Stuartgranti above & Leleupi underneath.

Rank Info

Ranked #2264 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 69.79% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.88
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: Australia
Description: 5ft tank: 152.5cm long x 40.5cm wide x 50cm high. 300W Aqua One Heater, Ehiem Classic 2217 external filter, Otto internal filter, single globe 5ft flourescent lighting.
Advice: Filtration is the key to winning the battle!
Fish Kept: Venustus, Blue Dolphin, Dragonblood, Mbumba, Demasoni, Frontosa, Livingstoni, Red Forest Jewell, Electric Yellow, Electric Blue x 2, Clown Loach, Bristlenose Catfish, Red Zebra, Cobalt Blue, Red Top Zebra, Eureka Red Peacock, Red Empress, Marble Peacock, Hajomaylandi, Acei, Latafasciata, Firebird Peacock.
Corals/Plants: Plastic plants with lots of Womera rocks (Australian) as caves for my fishies.
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Quote: Fish are friends not food!!
About Yourself: Have been into the hobbie all my life as my father had fish. Got my own fish tank when I was around 14 so I've been in the game now for over 15 years.


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