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This picture looks better than 91.74% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.88
This picture has been rated : 24 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
5ft tank: 152.5cm long x 40.5cm wide x 50cm high. 300W Aqua One Heater, Ehiem Classic 2217 external filter, Otto internal filter, single globe 5ft flourescent lighting.
Filtration is the key to winning the battle!
Fish Kept:
Venustus, Blue Dolphin, Dragonblood, Mbumba, Demasoni, Frontosa, Livingstoni, Red Forest Jewell, Electric Yellow, Electric Blue x 2, Clown Loach, Bristlenose Catfish, Red Zebra, Cobalt Blue, Red Top Zebra, Eureka Red Peacock, Red Empress, Marble Peacock, Hajomaylandi, Acei, Latafasciata, Firebird Peacock.
Plastic plants with lots of Womera rocks (Australian) as caves for my fishies.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Fish are friends not food!!
About Yourself:
Have been into the hobbie all my life as my father had fish. Got my own fish tank when I was around 14 so I've been in the game now for over 15 years.