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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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New York
United States
90 gallon aqueon freshwater african cichlid tank with a few unusual companions. 2 aquaclear 110. 300w jager heater. current usa satellite plus led light. filter sand substrate and texas holey rock.
if you love it, don't give up
Fish Kept:
Venustus Cichlid, Sunshine Peacock, Peacock Cichlid, Albino Socolofi, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Acei Cichlid, White Tail Acei, Maingano Cichlid, Blue Kenyi Cichlid, Demasoni Cichlid, Rainbow Shark, Bolivian Ram, African Butterfly Peacock, Clown Pleco
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
pretty new to fish keeping. All started when the wife wouldn't go to petco with me for dog food, and i told her if she comes with me, ill get her something...and she said fine...i want a pretty betta fish. Obviously i had to take care of him. after that, i decided on a 33 gallon bowfront, which i had for 4 months with mostly mollys and my african clawed frog. now recently upgraded a month ago to this 90 gallon, and the only pet that was transferred from the 33 gallon is the clawed frog, who lives seamlessly with the african cichlids.