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This picture looks better than 68.35% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.03
This picture has been rated : 155 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
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United States
29 gallon factory lighting with 50-50 bulb. biowheel penguin filter 330. 1 small powerhead
Patience, don't rush things.
Fish Kept:
1 tomato clown fish paired with 1 pink tipped anenome.
2 blue tail damsels.
1 black and white sriped damsel.
1 black damsel with white spots.
3 blue legged hermit crabs
2 red legged hermit crabs.
have seen a brittle starfish and fireworm that hitchhiked in on live rock. And I've also seen white bug looking thing on live rock
Several featherdusters some red some white. Coral from live rock that was bought , its green in the center and has red petals and also a coral that has a white and red branch
Tank Size:
29 gallons