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United Kingdom
Juwel Trigon 190 Malawi Corner Tank (100 cmwide x 70 cm deep x 60 cm high) - dark oak effect
I have taken out the internal filter as I feel it takes up too much room, and replaced it with a TetraTec 1200 external filter, which is more than adequate and keeps the water crystal clear.
Try not to rush things. External filters make life so much easier. Regular water changes are essential and if you can use a hose rather than buckets, it makes things simpler.
Fish Kept:
The fish are all young malawi cichlids, which I am growing on in this tank, with plans to move them to a larger malawi tank that I have - once they are big enough.
The decor is a mixture of 'spaghetti rock' and artificial rubber and plastic coral, to make it look like a marine reef tank. Some of this looks surprisingly natural and moves with the flow of the water. Coral sand is used as the substrate, with a twin T5 High-Lite lighting unit (standard).
Tank Size:
42 gallons