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This picture looks better than 13.9% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
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United States
Tank with Flourite, 1 java fern with several cuttings, 6-7 Amazon Swords, 2 umbrella plants, 1 pleco, 7 black neons, 2 angels, 4 zebra danios, 5 head & tail lights, one swordtail. Emperor 280, 2 marineland heaters, 17 watt T8 8000K bulb.
Research from multiple sources BEFORE getting what you want, it will save you time, grief and money. Before the Internet I read several books that I still own today. Spent several hours at libraries and asked several trusted locally owned not chain stores advice.
Be patient with the process, your fish and don't rush it.
Fish Kept:
I've been keeping fish for 20 years both freshwater and saltwater. Freshwater, many Cichlids South American and African, Discus. Tetras, Gouramis, and anything else that seemed interesting.
Saltwater, Flame Angels, Green Chromis , yellow tail Damsels, Mandarins, Powder Blue Surgeon, Regal Tangs, Purple Sailfin Tang, Black Trigger, Purple Moon Angel, Coral Beauties, and Royal Grammas.
Brain Corals and other assorted Corals.
Amazon Swords, Java Ferns, Umbrella Plant
Tank Size:
29 gallons
About Yourself:
Introduced to keeping Aquariums from a buddy in high school. Maintained 4 tanks at once and tried out several species of freshwater fish, but always had a passion for salt water. Got my 55 and kept several fish in it. I miss that, but have found that keeping my planted aquarium just as much fun with the challenge of learning their needs as well as the fish a great time. When we moved I lucked out and found a good condition 30 gal long. Which was perfect for the temp tank!