Photo #1 - My Breeder Male Ruby Red Peacock. I Have Been Bre...

freshwater fish - aulonocara rubescens - ruby red peacock stocking in 190 gallons tank - My breeder male ruby red peacock. i have been breeding this line for at least 4 years now.
190 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - I have 190 gallon tank that is 72x24x26 that has a 3" reveal threw the wall into the room. It is on a 30" high stand and it has a canapy that goes from the top of the stand to the ceiling. It is filtered by 2 aquaclear 110 and is lit by two 36" strip. I have a group of 8 moba frontosa with the largest male in the group at around 12".
My breeder male ruby red peacock. i have been breeding this line for at least 4 years now.
Submitted By: Dave Boyce on
Photo Caption: My breeder male ruby red peacock. i have been breeding this line for at least 4 years now.

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freshwater fish - aulonocara rubescens - ruby red peacock stocking in 190 gallons tank - My breeder male ruby red peacock. i have been breeding this line for at least 4 years now.
190 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - I have 190 gallon tank that is 72x24x26 that has a 3" reveal threw the wall into the room. It is on a 30" high stand and it has a canapy that goes from the top of the stand to the ceiling. It is filtered by 2 aquaclear 110 and is lit by two 36" strip. I have a group of 8 moba frontosa with the largest male in the group at around 12".

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More Info

State: Illinois
Country: United States
Description: I have 190 gallon tank that is 72x24x26 that has a 3" reveal threw the wall into the room. It is on a 30" high stand and it has a canapy that goes from the top of the stand to the ceiling. It is filtered by 2 aquaclear 110 and is lit by two 36" strip lights w/ 2-50/50 bulb and 2- daylight bulbs over a glass top.
Advice: Weekly water changes of 25% and a high quality healthy diet will bring the best color out of you fish.
Fish Kept: african cichlids: peacock, Haps, Frontosa
Corals/Plants: none
Tank Size: 190 gallons
About Yourself: I have been in the hobby for around 40 years. I started with angle fish but now all I do are african cichlids. I am a truck driver. I really enjoy breeding and raising quality africans. I have over 3000 gallons in my fish room and to keep up with the water changes every week you really have to enjoy doing it.


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