More Info
New Hampshire
United States
Tank Dimensions: 48 1/4" x 12 3/4" x 21"
Aqueon 200W Heater
Penguin 350 Biowheel Filter
14" Aeration Stone Stick
If you're serious about keeping an aquarium, you'll save yourself a lot of heartache by setting up a quarentine tank for new fish, and a hospital tank for sick ones. Also, start big with your main tank - 20 gallons or more. It may seem odd, but the bigger the tank, the easier it is to keep the water conditioned.
Fish Kept:
5 Rainbowfish (1 Boesmani, 2 Turqoise, 2 Australian)
8 Harlequin Rasboras
3 Emerald Cories
Amazon Swordplants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I'm a Graphic Artist by trade, but I've always had an interest in aquatic life - as a child, my family spent a lot of time on the ocean, and a lot of it was fishing; ever since, I've been fascinated by fish and bodies of water, of any kind.