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Ranked #75 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 97.23% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 7.03
This picture has been rated : 155 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76

More Info

Country: None
Description: CO2 addition, liquid ferts Ultra oganic
Advice: Do not lose patience! Never...
Tank Size: 130 gallons
Quote: n/a


Brilliant Fikus, as always. For aquascaping you are the top man ! fish avatar
YEAHHH!! thats a nice tank dude...need lager pix fish avatar
words cannot describe! Awesome! fish avatar
WONDERFUL! fish avatar
I have, as of late, seen some of the most beautiful freshwater tanks on this site. This one is no exception, it is a real 10!! Quite a fantastic set up. Visually breathtaking. fish avatar
right now, I use Iwasaki MH bulbs for that purpose. Of course, there are few schools of different Tetras... Cheers, Fikus fish avatar
nice tank - plz, tell me the dimensions & the wich kind of light you use - and btw: with or without animals? seeya, koba fish avatar
lovfishwpassion1, thanks for your comment. Once you provide appropriate conditions and needed equipment, plants will last for a good and easily propagate. Half an hour every day seems to be enough time to keep your aquarium under control, including regular water changes as well as occasional trimming and replanting. Have no idea how much money it could cost but no doubt that your commitment and hard work are much more important than possible costs, if you wish to have planted tank. Best regards, FIKUS fish avatar
wow your tank is beautiful!!!!!! I just got a 29 gallon tank and i want it to be a planted one but i have never done one before so i need some help. How much time and work does it take to have such a beautiful tank like yours? ALso how long do plants last for? And how much money would it be for a 29 gallon tank to look like this? and if you have any tips for me please share! fish avatar
Thanx for your comments and rgds. fikus fish avatar
this is the best planted tank i ever saw! wow you should be extremely proud! what are those fish though? fish avatar
beautiful transition from front to back, I really enjoy this layout! fish avatar
Hi Pete and thanks. Upper parts on the left and right side are Hemianthus and foreground in middle is mostly Glosso. So far, the growth of Hemianthus with CO2 addition is fine, as it has to be trimmed at least once a week. Have no experience how it growths w/o pressurized co2. fish avatar
Lovely setup, well done. One question, is the ground cover plant Hemianthus and if so does it grow ok with co2 (or not without co2), although looking at your tank it looks like it grows fine. Once again, fantastic planted tank. Pete. fish avatar


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