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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
This is my 10 gallon setup. I have 10 neon tetras and about 12 plants. I am going to get some more tetras after I see how these guys do.
Clean algae when you first see it because it can get uncontrollable. Also do NOT buy leopard or eight spotted puffers and put them in a freshwater tank they will die for sure.
Fish Kept:
Neon Tetras
Brazilian Waterweed,
Amazon Sword Plants,
Onion Plant, and
Water Primrose
Tank Size:
10 gallons
I hate algae
About Yourself:
I first started this hobbie when I saw my uncle's tank. I started with 2 cherry barbs, 2 tiger barbs, and a plecostomos. And 4 plants. Then unfortunately I bought a leopard puffer from a store that said they did good in freshwater and of course it died in about 2 weeks. Then my barbs died and my pleco died so I bought these little guys and they are doing very good.