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This picture looks better than 35.52% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.92
This picture has been rated : 26 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
26 Gallon Bowfront Planted Blackwater Amazon
- Flora Sun 15w 10000k light
- Tetra EX30 Whisper Filter
- Tetra Whisper 20 Pump
- Dwarf Sagittaria subulata
- Amazon Sword
- Java Moss
- 10 Pygmy Corys
- 16 Neon Tetras
- 3 Pristella Tetras
- 2 Penguin Tetras
6.6 Gallon Bowfront Actinic FOWLR Nano
- Coral Sun Actinic light
- 2 Moonlight LEDs for night viewing
- Tetra PF10 Whisper Filter
- Bio-Activ Live Aragonite White Sand
- 8lbs Fiji Live Rock
- 1 Three-stripe Damsel
- 1 Banded Coral Shrimp
- 2 Margarita Snails
- 4 Nassarius Snails
- 5 Blue-Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Gallon Betta Nano
- 1 Gallon Tom Deco Kit
- Dwarf Sagittaria subulata
- Blue Crown-Tail Male Betta
3 Gallon Saltwater Nano
- 3 Gallon Tom Deco Kit
- Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Australian Gold Reef Sand
- 3lbs Solomon Island live rock
- 1.5lbs assorted live rock rubble
- 1 Sexy Shrimp
- 1 Black Clown Goby
- 1 Emerald Crab
- 4 Nassarius Snails
- 2 Nerite Snails
- 1 Camel Shrimp
Research. Exhaustively. If you don't like to research, don't get a fish tank. There's a lot of misrepresented and untrue information out there about fish, even ones as common as goldfish and bettas.
Fish Kept:
Neon tetras, pristella tetras, penguin tetras, pygmy corydoras, a betta.
Black clown goby, three-stripe damsel, banded coral shrimp, sexy shrimp, camel shrimp, nassarius snails, margarita snails, nerite snails, emerald crab, scarlet hermit crabs, blue-leg hermit crabs
Dwarf Sagittaria subulata, Amazon sword, java fern, java moss
None yet. Can't keep much in the actinic tank, and the camel shrimp eats anything I put in the 3 gallon nano. Will probably relocate the camel shrimp eventually.
Tank Size:
26 gallons
Perfection isn't reached when there's nothing left to add, but when there's nothing left to take away.
About Yourself:
It's an addiction.