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This picture looks better than 82.78% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.37
This picture has been rated : 179 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
More Info
United States
this is my 35 gal. fowlr tank. it has a jebo 180 protein skimmer and millenium 3000 hang on filter. lighting is simple flourescent right now, but i have ordered 96 watt half and half. all corals used are synthetic. my live rock is fiji premium.
if your going marine double up on equipment more flow less problems.
Fish Kept:
in this tank i have 2 percula clowns, 1 coral beauty, 1 flame angel, and 1 lawnmower blenny. also 1 serpent star and 10 blue and red hermit crabs
all corals artificial.
Tank Size:
35 gallons
its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of fight in the dog.
About Yourself:
i'm a big hobbyist. i have one room dedicated to my aquariums. i have 1 55 gallon malawi cichlid tank, 1 35 gallon marine tank, 1 40 gallon hex tank housing my convicts, 1 30 gallon oscar tank, 1 10 gallon community tank for tetras, 1 huge iquana hand crafted iguana lounge, 40 gal. with red tailed boa and 25 gal. hosting red bellied toads and tree frogs.