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This picture looks better than 14.25% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.25
This picture has been rated : 53 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
55 gal/ lighting-coralife/filter magnum 350 with Purigen and chem pure, uv sterilizer, carbo plus for co2...substrate is ecco complete and use flourish excel and iron every other day and flourish potassium and flourish trace twice a week.
If you don't find it relaxing don't start this. To me it's like a tranquilizer. Planted aquariums need frequent water changes and trimming of plants. It's like taking care of a backyard but in 4 ft of space. Time consuming and I love every second.
Fish Kept:
1 Ghost knife,14 Rainbow (bosemani, turquoise, irian red, madagasgar and a few more),4 tiger barbs, gouramis(2 pearl and 2 opaline), 9 neon tetras,1 crosstail betta, 1 fiddler crab, clam and a singapore flower shrimp.
Ambulia,coffefolia,myrio, bacopa, tiger lotus, ludiwigia, java moss, echinodorus,
riccia, pennywort, anubis nana, water sprite.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Never say never
About Yourself:
I have loved fish all my life, I also have a koi pond. I don't feel like myself unless I have water near me...this aquarium is about 4 feet from my desk in my office. I am a tax accountant and this keeps me sane.