Photo #4 - 55 Gallon Malawi Rift: White Beach Sand, 40lbs...

Submitted By: Heather on
Photo Caption: 55 gallon Malawi Rift: White beach sand, 40lbs lace rock, Pangea Flatrock IV background (black), Eheim Pro II 2026 canister filter, Ebo Jager 200 Watt heater, All-Glass Twin-Tube strip light.

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55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 55 gallon Malawi Rift: White beach sand, 40lbs lace rock, Pangea Flatrock IV background (black), Eheim Pro II 2026 canister filter, Ebo Jager 200 Watt heater, All-Glass Twin-Tube strip light.
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Ranked #1225 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 76.73% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.62
This picture has been rated : 289 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08

More Info

State: Kansas
Country: United States
Description: 55 gallon Malawi Rift: White beach sand, 40lbs lace rock, Pangea Flatrock IV background (black), Eheim Pro II 2026 canister filter, Ebo Jager 200 Watt heater, All-Glass Twin-Tube strip light.
Advice: My only advice for new hobbists would be to do a lot of research before setting up a new tank instead of just making impulse buys. Really read up on different types of fish, equipment, etc. It will really benefit you in the long run.
Fish Kept: 1 Metriaclima callainos, 2 Metriaclima lombardoi, 2 Metriaclima estherae (1 Red, 1 Albino)
Tank Size: 55 gallons
About Yourself: I am currently a part time student working towards a Bachelors of Science in Interactive Media Design. I like to express my creativity mostly through aquascaping, web design, and some photography. I grew up with little oddball tanks; mostly goldfish and guppy tanks, so aquaria has always been an interest of mine, but I have only recently become a fanatic of the hobby. I love designing different aquarium habitats and researching new species of fish.


add more fish. you can over stock Metriaclima about 3 to 1 per inch to the gallon. that would be 3 inch of fish per gallon of water. very nice looking tank. good job. fish avatar
nice tank! fish avatar
where did you get your back ground from? fish avatar
Love the Pangea background.You should be ranked worlds higher.Excellent setup. fish avatar
Background looks awesome!! fish avatar
where did you get that background? fish avatar
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