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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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New York
United States
This is 90 gallons cichlid tank and had been setup from last two months. I am using Zoo med 50/50 bulbs which brings out the cichlids color really best. I put about 30 fish in the tanks so i am using two canister filters to have sufficent filteration for the load. I have Cascade and Fluval 305 currently runnig and i happen to like Fluval better. They are easy to clean and dont make mess when disconnecting hoses.
Never over Crowd the tank if neccessay if you do always make sure that you have sufficent Filteration.
Fish Kept:
15 Peacocks several in blue and few yellow and red rubys.
4 Yellow Labs
3 Kenyi Cichlids
2 Parrot Cichlids
2 Marble Loaches
1 Black Catfish
2 White Albino Mbuna
2 Blue Electric Mbuna
Tufa Rock and Texas holy rock
Tank Size:
90 gallons