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This picture looks better than 56% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.47
This picture has been rated : 60 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
North Carolina
United States
This is one of two tanks in our bedroom. The 55 gallon already had an atlantis theme so we decided to carry it over to the 110 gallon as well. Amongs the ruins and slate caves There are hiden jewels and a statue of neptune.
PLAN your tank!!! Take your time, it pays im the end.
Fish Kept:
this tank has
1 red fin borleyi
1 Placidiochromis Electra "Mandalawi"
1 brichardi
1 altolamprologus compressiceps
1 Placidiochromis Electra
1 aulonocara jacobfreibergi
1 venustus
1 baby pleco
large fancy ferns and a few others
Tank Size:
110 gallons