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This picture looks better than 16.03% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.13
This picture has been rated : 103 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
United States
This is a tank set up made by my 3 children . There ages are 7,5,4 . They told me what and where the decorations where to go . The fish ware mostly theres except for the Parrot fish .
take your time and enjoy
Fish Kept:
Parrot fish, tiger barb, Sucker fish, Groumie,two craw fish Red/blue, two sharks and 4 feeder fish that my Parrot fish has no intrest in eating .
2 Moss balls, assorted plant bulbs waiting to sprout
Tank Size:
29 gallons
About Yourself:
I have been into fish and tanks since I first got a tank when I was 5 years old . I am now 38 y/o . The tank in the pic is my childrens first set up . I am currently working on a very speical set up for a 55 gallon . I am having custom made decorations and will be ordering fish to match the look of the tank . I will post pics when it is complete . I work from home and I am looking into opening a fish store in the near future . Everything I know about fish tanks I have learned from my uncle and from good old fashioned trial and error . I will admit I do not know everything, But I am also not a beginer either .