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This picture looks better than 58.59% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.09
This picture has been rated : 97 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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Community planted tank. Mid-level lighting (2wpg), Flourish Excel daily, Flourish twice a week, Eheim 2215, weekly 30% water change.
Don't overstock. Just because your house might fit 100 people, doesn't mean you'd be comfortable living with them... Same goes for fish.
Fish Kept:
Assorted catfish, Tiger Barbs, Platys, Neons
Assorted Hygrophila (Polysperma, Difformis, Rosanervig), Valisneria spiralis, assorted Java Fern, assorted Anubias, Ludwigia, Anacharis, Lace Fern, Watersprite, Bacopa Caroliniana & Monnieri.
Tank Size:
66 gallons
About Yourself:
Once upon a time (2002) I received a single goldfish in a tiny plastic carry container for Christmas. The rest is history...