Rank Info
This picture looks better than 76.55% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.79
This picture has been rated : 141 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
More Info
United States
tank 1- 210 reef tank, sps and lps with reef octopus skimmer and calcium reactor, 4 evolution 1400 power heads, aquascaped with rock and pvc.
Tank 2- modified 10g nano with a diy led fixture that is awesome
take it slow and buy the right equipment
Fish Kept:
kole tang, red sea sailfin tang, black saddle back clown fish, true percula tank, 2 anthias, 2 pj cardinals, six line, scotter blendy, manderine goby, 1 purple grama,
hammer coral, frogspawn, several different colors of acans, scoly, green carpet anenome, long tentical anenome, ora mars, ora purple stylo, ora green stylo, 2 ora tricolors, enchinata, acan enchinata, several favia, 2 green maze brains, 1 derasa clam, multiple zoanthides, orange,green and purple cap, green maddness chalice, pink chalice.
Tank Size:
210 gallons
About Yourself:
navy diver