Rank Info
This picture looks better than 85.85% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.95
This picture has been rated : 103 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
South Africa
Standard rectangular tank 1220x450x450.
Hi-glow 20W Florecent and balast.
Via Aqua 800l/h Power Filter &
Re Sun 1500l/h Power Filter.
150W heater.
I'm one to try everything and see what works. When I first started out I got a lot of advice from people, some good and some not so good. Don't believe everything you hear or read, try it for yourself and you might be surprised.
Fish Kept:
3 Neon Tetras
3 Glowlight Tetras
6 Red eye Tetras
2 Buenos Aires Tetras
4 Albino Rio Tetras
3 Lemon Tetras
3 Black Skirt Tetras
3 White Skirt Tetras
1 Penguin Tetra
4 Serpae Tetras
5 Harlequins
1 Scissor Tail
2 Pepper Corys
2 Bronze Corys
2 Albino Corys
2 Pakhistani Loaches
2 Sucker Loaches
12 Danios
1 Rainbow Shark
2 Bala Shark
4 Ballon Mollies
2 Sword tails
2 Plecos
1 Apple snail
Natural rocks from river beds
Some Plastic decorations
A piece of dritwood
Some plastic plants
Filter sand substrate
Tank Size:
65 gallons
Love em...feed em... never leave em...
About Yourself:
Fish Crazy....