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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
Just started my 75 (upgraded from the 55).current t5 ho lighting with Terri floral sun bulbs, two 10,000 k bulbs, magnum 350 filter, and a HOB filter, and two heaters. Has all eco complete substrate with some lace rock with a6 inch deep cave by 4 inches wide and sand in front of it (super naturals sand). Plants.......FISH...9" dinosaur bichir, 2 blue ram cichlids, rainbow shark, 2 roseline sharks,10 neon tetras, 5 random guppies, algea eater, bumble bee catfish, and 10 Nerite snails.half of the fish are about to change.want to breed some gudgeon or killifish.
Start with a good substrate, good lighting and a timer.let your tank cycle before you start adding fish.research everything before you buy it...STAY AWAY FROM JAVA MOSS. Very messy and ugly. or it was in my tank
Fish Kept:
8" dinosaur bichir, 2 blue ram cichlids, 2 roseline sharks, 10 neon tetras, 6 guppies, bumble bee catfish, rainbow shark,algea eater,10 nerite snails
Hornwort, Amazon swords, crypt, java fern, red ludwigia, cardinal telenthra (not having good luck with this one), aponogeton, onion, bamboo, dwarf hairgrass (also having a hard time with this one),bacopa.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
My user name says most of it..i have a fish addiction.love my fish tanks.I'm a lineman (powerlines). This is my only hobbie i have always been obsessed with the water and its creatures.i would live to be a marine biologist.after work i spend most of my time keeping up my tank and reading books on fish and marine life.