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This picture looks better than 31.12% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.46
This picture has been rated : 52 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
125 Gallon reef system, with 440 watt (four x 110 watt - two 10k & two 12k - 48 inch VHOs) PFO 4 light retro fit kit, one venturi protein skimmer, one sea clone protein skimmer (both in sump), wet/dry sump with 1200 gph sump pump, and two Koralia 4 powerheads
Be patient! Ya right! No, seriously be patient or you'lll waste a bunch of money
Fish Kept:
Ocellaris Clownfish, Maroon Clownfish, Regal Tang, Yellow Tang, Green Clown Goby, Scooter Blenny, and a Flame Angel.
Bubble Tip Anenome, Torch Coral, Chili Coral, Brown Finger Leather, Trumpet Coral, Yellow Polyps, Purple Mushrooms, Yellow Gorgonian Sea Fan
Tank Size:
125 gallons