Rank Info
This picture looks better than 30.65% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.62
This picture has been rated : 13 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
6 ft, 130g display, 70g sump, 2x MH 400W 12 000 K reeflux lights, 3x hydor koralia 4, ph meter, refractometer, cheato in sump, fans, 1x 250 watt heater, 30g water reserve, 100 gpd RO/DI, KENT MARINE salt...
Have lots of money, lots of time, don't travel, don't trust your buddies with it, do more water changes....
Fish Kept:
10 chromis, 2 orange ocerallis, 2 onyx clowns, 1 yellow tang, 1 hyppo blue tang, 1 sailfin tang, 1 bicolor blenny 1 neon goby.
lots of corals : green montipora, orange montipora, frogspawn, different anemones, christmas tree, kenya tree, sarco, white pumping xenia, purple xenia, green star polyp, 1 purple clam, green hydnopora, coco worm, different riccordera, orange favia, green brain, orange brain, many kind of mushes, many kind of zoos, candy cane, devil hand, orange sponge, and many more!
Tank Size:
130 gallons
More water changes, more...
About Yourself:
Working for Photo/video editing...