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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
I just set my tank back up after a couple of years.I had2 Jack Dempseys a convict and a algae Eater.they had dinner disputes so now i am with a green terror.I just recently got a blue channel catfish about 8 inches.
I am thinking about going with some different decor but i love the natural look.I run 2 lights a moonlight and a reg old fluorescent i have them on timers i have found if the light cycle is regulated the fish seem to be happier.
Don't stress it live and let live. Talk to the old tankies they can show you better and cheaper ways sometimes. Knowledge is power.
Fish Kept:
Green Terror , Pleco, Blue Channel Catfish
Plastic I m over the growing stage damn chilids just eat the things anyway.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I enjoy the peace of a light trickle of water in the middle of the night.I love to go to the river or lake and hunt for driftwood and rocks around here we have a lot of slate.