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United States
This is a basic 55 gallon package that you can pick up at petsmart. Its 48.5X21x12.5. I have a canister magnum 350 filter from marineland.
I find that when setting up my tank to let it cycle. Its easier when you drop a dozen gold fish in the tank for a week then remove them. The tank will be cycled then you can start adding you desired fish.
Fish Kept:
9- Red-Bellied Pirhana
1 Rhino Pleco
1 Dragon Goby (violet goby)
Plastic plants, (easier to clean)
Tank Size:
55 gallons
SHAKE and BAKE!!!!!!!!
About Yourself:
I got in to this hobby from my old friend to see who had 3 tanks and I loved what he had. I am a Boilermaker from Local 169. I am also looking forward to getting a 150 gallon with Discus as soon as I buy my house.