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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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-4x 20w T12s on for 11 hours a day.
-Fluval 305
-Powerhead for more circulation
-Diy CO2
-Half cap Flourish and half cap Excel every 2 - 3 days, Flourish Root Tabs every 1-2 months
-5 gal water change once a week
Number one payoff in any type of fish tank is patience, patience, and some more patience!
Fish Kept:
Golden Barbs
Fancy Guppies
Rummy Nose Tetras
Neon Tetras
Cherry Shrimp
-Hygrophila Polysperma
-Hygrophila Difformis???
-Java Moss
-Java Fern
-Anubias Nana
-Ludwigia Repens
-Cryptocryne Wendtii
Tank Size:
29 gallons
About Yourself:
I've been keeping fish on and off for 20 years. got my first 5 gallon starter kit when I was 7... lol it took me like 6 months to save up the 36 dollars to buy it at kmart!
I used to keep a 55 gallon reef tank but got into planted tanks not only because it is less money, but because I personally think a well done planted tank is every bit as mesmerizing!