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The Average Score for this category is: 5.98
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United Kingdom
35 gallon Fresh water planted fish tank. Tank is still transforming, its a recent set up not quite there yet, aren't they always.And the camera quality was terrible so final photo will be uploaded.
look through this site for example of setups, some tanks take breath away
Fish Kept:
Gold gourami aka jealousy kills
Black molly aka looney
Mickey mouse platy aka mickey mouse
White platinum angel recent add aka guardian
Swordtail aka Sony
3 nerite snails
And 1 wood shrimp aka wood
My daughter came up with the names which i enjoy
Will update once finishes
Tank Size:
35 gallons
There is no reality except in nature..........misread......thought it read......Nevermind
When the sun sets and the moon rises, the reef doesn't go silent - a whole new group of inhabitants comes out to play.